Saturday, February 6, 2010


I was flying to Storm Peaks to pick up [Greater Inscription of the Storm] when I got a tell from someone who Sky and I had run a couple of dungeons with way back in the day when we were leveling.  I have a good memory - if I didn't I wouldn't have remembered this person.  I asked Sky if he remembered this person and his response was, "He keeps sending me tells wanting to know if I'm a JC, etc. Wanting stuff."  So, I was polite and said hi and made a little small talk... but I didn't really have any desire to strike up a conversation with someone I haven't spoken to in at least 6 months, and was only a convenience acquaintance at best 6 months ago.  The conversation went down hill quickly:

It makes me wonder about this person that they are so dependent upon my conversation to not just take the ignore as a clue that I don't want to talk to them - so they get on ANOTHER of their toons to tell me to go F--- myself.

So, it got me thinking... how often to we make simple connections with others and they take it as more than that.  Or how often to we become more attached to others who only see us as the same - A person/player to fill a need at the moment?  I have been thinking on this subject more and more over the past month or so.  Sky and I joined a guild.  He was a part of this guild previously but left because of a conflict with the guild leaders and schedules and accountability, etc etc etc.  Long story short - the former leader of the guild and most of the officers left the guild and it was handed over to Nikk- who is a friend of Sky's mostly in game, but who also dated in RL one of Sky's RL BFFs.  So, Sky got in touch with some of the officers over at SD and applied for membership for himself and his army of alts, as well as Aurora (me), his brother Tal, and his sister Rayl. Was also supposed to be for Kobeck too - but Kobeck has school and is happy lording over an empty guild since he doesn't have aspirations to be a raider at present.

The reason behind this explanation is that when I joined WoW I was a part of Sky's guild.  It was just us - family, RL friends, and a few in game friends who parted ways with whatever guild they were with at the time.  The other in game friends were transient and it became just RL family and friends.  Mainly Sky x10, me, Kob's, Tal, Ray.

Joining a REAL guild was a big step for me.  For Sky it was a means to an end.  He's a raider.  The group he was raiding with was no longer meeting his raiding needs, so he wanted something bigger and better.  We now have a guild who runs a raid almost every night.  They have ICC25 man 2 nights, ICC 10 man 2 nights, TOC/Ony gear run 1 or 2 times depending on who needs it, and then also the weekly raid usually on Tuesday nights, and then VoA when we have WG and there are enough people to get a group together.  They also have started doing PvP on Friday nights as it is the only night that isn't a designated raid night.  I have made connections.

True - the connections aren't deep ones.  There are people there to ask to craft things for me, or to buy mats off of, or to run random heroics when I don't feel like waiting on the queue.  Guild connections.  There are a few people who I recognize above others, a few who recognize me as someone other than Sky's wife.  But connections have been made.  That's all.  I know that these people are in a guild with me.  They are people I have a common interest with, who may help me and who I may help.  But I know that they pledge no allegiance to me, I am just another player in the game.  They may talk to me, and recognize me, but when I log out there is no "I soooo miss Aurora!"  or a "Hi!" tell every time I log in.  It's business - the business of fun.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

RE: Confessions of a Gender Bender

The following is in response to : Altoholics Anonymous' post "The Confessions of a Gender Bender"

I think the gender thing is hilarious in WoW.  "What's My Main Again?"'s characters are dominantly female.  His reasoning?  The guys are ugly. 

We had a discussion once about guild dynamic involving females (in RL) vs. females. When I started playing Wow 7 months ago, there was ONE female in his guild.  She had played w/ hubby and Kobeck in a previous guild, until they broke off and started our own family/friend guild.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hunter FTW!

Having pretty much lost interest in doing dailies on Aurora, and not really interested in questing in Zul 'Drak on my DK, I decided to make a new alt.  I have a lvl 16 ret pally that I had been working on, but got tired of melee DPS.  I have a lvl 24 Mage, but got tired of being so squishy and not having anyone to quest with to either tank with or heal me.

So.. I had created a hunter on Ravenholdt and was having a pretty good time with her, but I missed my friends on Durotan.  So I decided to take on a new alliance hunter on Durotan.  Her name is Kalandra.  I have been working on her pretty much constantly.  I have taken up maybe running the fishing dailies on Aurora just for a little cash, as I am stuck at 427 on my enchanting and don't really NEED any enchants to help lvl it to max.  And that mats are so expensive!  Most of the higher end enchants cost more to make than they sell for on the AH.  And my tailoring was great for when I was lvling because I could make my own gear.. and not to mention that I can make BAGS!

So, I created a hunter.  Kalandra is a night elf beast mastery hunter.  I chose BM because David said it is one of the fastest ways to lvl her.  I have been working on her maybe 3 weeks and she is lvl 28.  I probably could have her higher by now but I get bored just constant questing.  I have been working on primary and secondary professions for her, and her primaries are neck and neck for lvl.  And are both above the zones that I am currently questing in.  I chose Herbing and Alchemy as my two profs.  My alchemy is at the lvl that it requires herbs from lvl 30 zones.  And my herbing is high enough to obtain these herbs.

I almost always enjoy lvling my profs more than my actual character lvls.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Raid Schmaid

So, it's been awhile since my last post here.  Hubby was questioning me about WHY I don't post on my WoW blog, and didn't seem satisfied with the answer that I wrote in my blog about RL instead.

The point is, I kind of lost interest there for a while.  Aurora was maxed out lvl wise, but not so geared that I got invited to raids anymore with the introduction of the TOC 10 and 25 man raids.  The first or second run that we did I was invited in for 10 man.  Now, this was new to the entire group and everyone was just getting a feel for how the fight should go.  It started out ok, but then the kobolds or snobolds or painintheassbolds, or what ever form of bolds they are in that fight.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


So...Had an interesting night the other night. Went with our little group (Me, Lanora, Cassiana, Marrus, and Kobeck) to run Heroic Trial of the Champion daily. So, we get in the instance and I'm looking at Kobeck and I'm like "Why are you naked?" Now, this is something that we had done a while ago after the release of 3.2 - ran through it naked just to see if we could. But, I figured I must have missed the memo.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Expanding My Horizons.

So... It's been a month since my last update, and a LOT has happened! I want to lay out the deets of my alts. Especially since I seem to be collecting them. I not only have added 2 new alts on Durotan since my last update, but 2 new alts on Ravenholdt as well. (More on that later)

The Roster:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Raid - I can do this???

Having only hit lvl 80 a few weeks ago, I mostly use Auroradawn for dailies. However, it seems to be occurring more often that I am finding myself raiding.